Gato Negro wooden statue: Sold!
One of a kind statue carved from wood and filled at the base in traditional Brujeria fashion.
I have personally filled the base of the statue with the elements and foundation to tap into the power of the Gato Negro with true relics from a black cat (unharmed). With this statue you can perform various spells of the legendary gato negro and not need to go to the extremes mentioned in the grimorios of old. This statue is one of a kind and if I have time will make similar statues but this is truly unique and will come blessed and conjuardo in the name of its new owner free of charge so that you can begin working spells with the power of the gato negro.
This statue is available for $75.00 plus $20 s/h

Base is cargado (loaded with power elements)
Calavera Ritual candles: In the spiritual traditions of Mexico and its neighboring lands where the descendants of the Maya can be found among the contemporary Brujos/ Chamanes is the reverence for the dead. In some of these places it is not uncommon to find in the poorest of these places brujos using skull shaped candle holders and where there are artisans actual skull shaped candles used in their petitions to the old Gods with the belief that the ancestors will help deliver their petition to the gods and these spells were and are for just about any request good or evil.
In this spirit I am offering in limited quantity made to order special need ritual calavera candles they are only in one color but are prepped differently depending on need the base is loaded with herbs, palos, special earth and a spirit s
The calavera shown is one for cursing or gaining the upper hand against an enemy. This one I call el ahorcador the strangler it is used for applying spiritual pressure against your enemies or enemy if you are so being tormented by such an unsavory character, these candles come with instruction on their use. These are made to order you can choose from a war candle like the one pictured or a domination candle or one for cleansing or protection. Calavera ritual candles are available for $45.00 plus $15.00 s/h

The base with its special seal covering its cargamiento (magical load)